Brewer 42 Vancouver BC to Vashon Island

I must be getting lackadaisical with delivery applications because it was day two on this delivery when I realized that my folks had owned this boat and sailed it extensively.

Back when my folks owned the boat.

A rig you can’t miss. More about it to come.

My folks have owned quite a few boats, and in my defense I’d only been aboard this one once and I think it was at night. Several things should’ve alerted me other than the name. The tall fractional rig for one because I remember reading something in Brion Toss’s Rigging book “The Rigger’s Apprentice” where he used it as an example of a performance-oriented cruising design. Also, the fact that it is an aluminum boat, which is fairly unusual in the Northwest or the United States should have tipped me off.

The thing that made me finally realize that it was my folks’ old boat was the Data Scope, and its custom-wood holder that had been made for the boat we cruised on as a family when I was a kid. That, and then later noticing the upside-down compass we got my dad for his birthday was mounted in the v-berth. 

The delivery started a little bit more awkwardly than most. Traveling to Vancouver BC shouldn’t be as hard as it is without a car but there we go; two hours late on the train from Bellingham to Vancouver. A brief orientation from the broker who acted like selling a boat worth less than a million was an act of charity, and I am off. Off to spend the night at Cabbage Island just Northeast of Saturna Island, or at least that was the plan.

Once underway in calm water, I checked the forecast for the following day and the current at the Eastern point of Saturna was going to be Max flood against me in the morning on top of an adverse southerly. So I changed my plans and continued into the night landing in Friday Harbor at 11. The following morning went through the customs process with the additional stress of dealing with the importation of the vessel without the proper documents the import brokers were supposed to have waiting for me. I could say many things, but I won’t other than that I wouldn’t recommend “Border Buddy” to anybody looking to import a boat. Once cleared, I provisioned the boat with my first mate and we left for Watmough Bay (an anchorage on the South end of Lopez). I made this decision because there were a number of logs floating in the area and I didn’t want to damage the propeller unnecessarily or risk more night running than I already had. I don’t mind running at night but it is an added risk and it needs to be weighed against the benefits.

Once in Watmough we grabbed a ball and had a nice dinner and I worked on getting the bulkhead heater working with no real success. The following morning we headed south without much wind but not much adverse current. That evening we found a spot in Eagle Harbor and grabbed some dinner ashore. Back at the boat later I struggled more to get the bulkhead heater going. It looked like the former owner had never cleaned it and unfortunately, the forced air Webasto Heater no longer was serviceable after a conversation with the nice gentleman at Sure Marine in Seattle. The next morning, just after clearing the breakwater, the engine stalled and wouldn’t restart so after rolling out the jib and passing the helm to my mate I started to look for a set of wrenches or a crescent wrench on board. Finding only a pair of channel locks I thought twice about whether I wanted to risk damaging the fuel hose nuts trying to bleed the fuel system on the old Westerbeke. Not too far from Quartermaster Harbor inside Vashon Island where we were heading and the Salty Boy’s Marine Repair headquarters are, I reached out and asked if they would be able to make it out and assist us if I couldn’t get it going, and they kindly obliged, but not wanting to be beat by something as simple as air in the fuel line, I jumped in the engine room while my first mate steered under sail. Not much cranking later and the old red beast came to life and we were off again adding a little delay and perhaps disappointing our Salty Boys that they couldn’t save the day.  

Autopilot from a galaxy far far away and a long long time ago that works only when under power. And the cutest shipmate a salty dog could hope for.

Click on image for Brion Toss’s words on the design from his book The Rigger’s Apprentice.

Rental upgrade!

A fine boat for ocean sailing but the mainsail as it is, is more headache than I would want to deal with sailing in the close waters of the Puget Sound. Speaking to the owners, they said that they were planning on cruising the world and skipping the intermediate boat that would have taken them from their previous starter boat of a Tanzar 27 to this ocean beast.

I connected them with my folks who it sounds like got much more use out of the boat than the guy these people bought it from. 


Be very careful when using companies like Border Buddy that have amorphous areas of operation. It’s better to use a company local to the area and well-established in that field. This instance showed that talking to the customs officials ahead of time to ensure that things would move smoothly was not helpful.

Bring a crescent wrench in your kit and if it’s your boat be sure and have good tools aboard. I also recommend a start switch like this so you can jump the starter while you bleed the fuel line.

One of the great things about yacht delivery is getting to try out different designs and sometimes designs you think that you would really enjoy turn out to be a pain. If I compare this rig to the Cal 40 I have a lot of miles on I would say that I prefer the lower aspect masthead rig. I could hoist that main without a winch by myself and even though I didn’t have furling and carrying a variety of headsails was a bit of a pain - the ease of hoisting means sailing more and that’s what it’s all about. Now that said I am sure that the Brewer goes to weather better and more comfortably than the Cal with its flat bottom and outboard chainplates but it’s the rigs I’m comparing not the hulls.

Long may you run as Mr Young says.


Searay 42 Anacortes to Westport

I was first contacted by the new owner of a brokerage on Oregon to bring this boat down to Portland to be listed there. When I asked for recent survey I was given something from 2019. Truth is a lot can happen to a boat in two years.. In lieu of a recent survey I said I would go inspect the boat prior to agreeing to deliver it.

The murky backwater I first found the boat.

The rotting ribs of a broken relic from another time.

When I got to the boat for this inspection its was up a tiny shallow river called The Samish. The brown muddy water that floated this buff horse was barely as wide as the boat in question was long and nestled in with other apparently mothballed yachts.

“The bow thruster doesn’t work” the former owner said. Immediately i saw that it wasn’t the lack of bowthrust-ability that would be the problem but the fact that the water it was floating on was not marked and beyond any lateral navigational aids. Random pilings stuck up out of the Samish river’s slow moving muddy water, apparently complete with the universal signs for shallow or (relatively) deepwater ie spray painted thumbs up or thumbs down signs. This was not good news and my heart sank at the thought of having to tell the guy I couldn’t move the boat from where it was.

Memories of muddy banks like these from my youth on the Multnomah channel bubbled up in my nostalgic minds eye and made me smile. You can take the River Rat out of the river but you cant take the river out of the Rat.

“How do you get out of here,” I asked

“I haven’t taken the boat out recently,” said the prior owner. “it needs to be a 7-foot tide and you are fine”

After saying this he admitted he gave himself a 90% chance of getting it out of there and as it wasn’t his boat anymore he didn’t want to take the risk.

“How long have you lived here? “ I asked

“My whole life”..he responded “I learned how to sail out there” pointing as he did to the muddy delta

Going on he shared a few stories of drunkenly sailing in and out after dark running aground many times laughing about it.

I had seen what I needed to..or so I thought. I told the owner I wouldn’t move the boat from where it was but if he got it to Anacortes I could do it. Then I asked how the Ocean Alexander was coming along and that maybe could use the coming window to move it from Gig Harbor to Portland. (see previous log entry)

Two weeks later and he sold the boat and the new owner contacts me saying that the running light and the fogged windows had been addressed and the boat was ready to go in Anacortes. I saw a window coming up and called a recent student who hired me the weekend before to teach her some boat handling skills she would need as a yacht steward and said I had a learning opportunity and an adventure to share.

no sauce in the starboard V drive

I arrived at the boat the afternoon before our departure date to go over some things and found that the fluids were low everywhere. The V drives transmissions and oil needed to be topped or filled and I had 45 minutes before the stores closed before the weekend. First I went to West Marine and they didn’t have the oil so I went to North Harbor Marine and big pro service yard in A town and they set me up.

enough wingnuts to give a surveyor a conniption

After topping the fluids that night I thought I would test the electronics and found that the batteries were dead. Upon closer inspection I found that a switch with a sticker on it that said “turn off when engine running” was off. This I surmised was the battery charger breaker switch. I flipped it and went to the Brown Lantern to get some long overdue dinner and the last beer for a bit. The next morning the engine batteries were still dead. The bank that had charged was the “inverter bank” this is what you would call a house bank. What was labeled house bank was nested with the starting batteries was what was dead. These batteries were AGM gel batteries and hooked up the “smart” charger. Well, this charger like many other modern chargers isn’t smart enough to charge a fully discharged battery. It needs to see some voltage before it will turn on so using some automotive jumper cables I jumped from the “inverter” bank that was now fully charged and lead-acid type and the smart charger lit up and started charging at 30 amps.

It’s 9 am and we are supposed to be underway to make it to Neah Bay safely before dark. It’s looking like it’s going to be noon before we can get going.


Two 3208 caterpillar engines pumping out 375 seahorses of trustpower, stinky smoke, and NOISE. At 2400 RPM it must have been 80 decibels and unless that is 80 decibels of Motorhead I’m spending my irreplaceable hearing on I’m wearing ear protection. (and cranking some Motorhead at the same time) my Bose noise-canceling headphones have been a game-changer. I have a pair of shooters noise-canceling earmuffs that I have used with earbuds which are good but the Bose are sweet and will connect to your phone via bluetooth so you can call your shipmate who is on the bow and share information like distances, traffic, encouragement, and instructions.

Noon thirty and we were underway and making 15 knots. We had a heavy dinghy on the back which I knew would slow us down and on top of that, the bottom still had river slime on it so we weren’t going to be hitting the 20 knots these monsters were supposed to be able to make.

The forecast and our late departure meant that we were going to hit some turbulence in the afternoon. I was thinking that it may be a good thing to see what the boat could do before bombing the Washington Coast. If we were going to stir up some tank goo into our filters it would be better in the straight with more options to bail. It was right when we hit some chop and I was regaling my crew and my captive audience about the Swiftsure Regatta and my experiences in the bay off our beam that the port engine died.

I passed the helm over to my shipmate and dived into the engine room telling her to try and keep the bow into the waves. My first thought was that we had clogged a filter and I switched the valve on the parallel Racor filter. After a little time cranking it was apparent that it was going to take some more work to get it going and as it was the roughest bit of water we had been in yet it would be better to try and do any work in the relative shelter of Clallam Bay conveniently off or just forward of our beam and the subject of my recent yarn. I admit that the main thoughts in my mind at this time were what are we going to do if the port engine clogs a filter now and how many cranking amps do we have in these, so recently abused, batteries and can I jump them or should I switch them with the other bank and also how much of a wide berth I was gong to give the rocky point and our leeshore before I cut into the bay. Clamam Bay is small sportfishing town where many wife free weekend warriors flock to get a chance to catch a fish large enough to take a picture with. This is about all that is going on in the little “town” of Sekiu. The last time I went into the dock it was to get fuel in a 32-foot trimaran and even that ultralight boat had multiple people telling us we couldn’t tie up there. I knew it was going to be a problem but I didn’t want to risk anchoring as the windless was battery-powered and may draw the batteries down more. It’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission so I told my shipmate that I was going to be in the engine room and to be as sweet and charming as possible to whoever walked out to kick us off and to buy as much time as she could.

adventure number two

First I opened the top of the Rocor we had been running on before the engine died and I switched it to see how bad the fuel was. It was bad and more important it was half empty. Assuming the worse that it had sucked air through a seal after it clogged and introduced air into the system. After a little more cranking on the new filter, I decided to open it up and although nice and clean it was also half full. As many readers will know: air is bad in a diesel engine’s fuel line. It has to be removed by bleeding the line by opening an injector line and cranking the engine.

That’s when it hit me. Was the Port tank fuel gauge really broken? Did the owner really fill it up before we got to the boat as he said? Did that previous owner really dip the tank as he said? A moment later I was squeezing over the still quite warm Port engine to tap on the tank with a wrench. Empty.

At this point, it was looking like we needed to squeeze into the tiny fuel dock that was (thanks be to Neptune) still open and to do it on one engine. Now like anything there are tradeoffs in boat design. Boats with two engines are much more maneuverable than boats with only single engines but not all twin screws are created equal. The further that “wheels” props are apart the easier it is to maneuver in tight spaces that those with props closer to the centerline but they don’t track well when only one engine is available.

This was the case. On par with the maneuvering approach, I had to master when working as a Vessel Assist captain I turned the boat around and around as I was now not an “anbiturner” but unlike Zoolander I could only turn to Port. The trick to going straight with a boat like this is to get enough speed that both the rudders are working. Combined with the surge in the area and the tiny landing dock and the random piling to be woven through I was not happy about the situation the owner’s poor prep had put us in.

Now we see why the tank was empty. The fuel is not going into the tank at the speed it should and after an hour we had 37 gallons and enough to make it to Neah Bay. The vent is clogged no doubt and will require more time and boat yoga than we have daylight for dodging trees on the way to Neah Bay.

Another unfortunate aspect of this situation is that the delay and pit stop has confounded our ability to calculate the fuel economy (or lack thereof) I wanted to know before hopping to Astoria down the Washington Coast.

high tailing in to Neah before it gets to dark to see the trees floating by

The CAT 3208 proved to be a popular diesel engine for trucks through the early 1990s and boats through the late 1990s. Production ended by 1999 mostly due to the engine’s inability to meet global emissions standards established by clean air regulation at the time. The use of the engine was widespread and its performance was reliable. As a result, many vehicles equipped with the CAT 3208 remain in service long after production of the diesel engine ceased.

I can attest that at 2400 rpms two of these under your feet sounds like a diesel power jet airplane and reframes that brochure image in your mind with the bikinis and all as an experience far from relaxation. BUT I am a bit of a sailor snob so theres that. Thunder in paradise it will be.

Caterpillar also offered a marine version of the CAT 3208 diesel engine for yachts, leisure boats, and commercial trawlers. Larger vessels would be powered with twin-turbocharged diesel engines. The marine diesel engine version was modified with bigger heat exchangers, exhaust manifolds, turbochargers and seawater pumps to cool the engine oil. However, the engines were known as gas guzzlers, and consequently, they did not meet the criteria of internal combustion exhaust emissions regulation. Production of the marine CAT 3208 diesel engine ended in 1999 and outlasted production of the diesel engine version for heavy-duty trucks.

Between 15 and 17 knots we went Kate and me with our noise-canceling headphones

My co pilot Kate. Soon to be Captain Kate to you

We came into Neah Bay just as we were losing visibility and it was pitch black by the time we were approaching the dock. Not something I wanted to be doing. Even a harbor as familiar as Neah Bay is to me, risk increases exponentially once you lose visibility. There are two sides to the page. One side is risk or con (broken) and the other side is assets or pros. Things that may seem totally unrelated but the fact that they are on the con side of the page can have a huge effect on each other listed item of concern. It is a captain’s job to assess and reassess these risks constantly. We were going to have to have a serious conversation with the owner in the morning. We found. a spot with power to tie up which was key to a hot dinner as the generator wasn’t working and the inverter bank was not functioning right after finding a short where an outlet was missing on the aft deck.

Unfortunately one of my favorite breakfast places. The Warm House” had not survived the pandemic but a small homely galley was kicking out breakfast burritos and coffee in the Harbormasters office. We paid our night moorage and back at the boat I crawled in a pooka where the fuel vent hose lived and cut the hose off the barbed fitting to clear it out with a piece of wire I stripped from the spares box. After it was cleared we moved to the fuel dock and top off for the trip south. After so much delay fighting the poorly prepared boat, our weather window closed and did not allow us to get the boat further south than Westport.

Some boats are more ready to go than others.

always want to rinse off that saltwater after splashing around in it!

A well deserved brew for the crew


Luhrs 36 Anacortes WA to Eureka Ca

On the 10th of October, I woke up in the worst hotel I’ve ever stayed in. Turns out that staying in a hotel rated 2.5 stars is like spending the night at a crime scene. Signs that the bathroom door had been kicked in at one point and repaired poorly at that, along with more than one person working on their car in the parking lot came as a stark contrast to the room I stayed in Hawaii on the 14th-floor complete with remote controlled blinds and a view of the marina. Maybe having contrast in your life is good.

I made it home for a few days between the Dragonfly delivery to SF to do the Benson Cup on my boat “Elsewhere” and had grabbed some stuff before the Baba 35 delivery but there wasn’t time after that to go home before heading off to PA to get on the Luhrs so I wasn’t as prepared as I like to be. Different deliveries require different prep. I caught a ride to Tacoma with the owners of the Baba and got the aforementioned room where I planned to wait for my crew coming up from the Gorge on the next day. For once I had a little time to kill so I caught a bus to the Goodwill where I found some mugs and a pot to cook with as the boat just sold and didn’t have any cookware. I also got a sweatshirt and shorts and a few DVDs. After that, I caught another bus into town and watched a French film I had been wanting to see at an art-house theater. I have to admit Tacoma’s old town has some charm. My crew arrived and we drove to Sequim where I got us a room. More like those seen in episodes of Xflies than Breaking Bad.

Something for everyone in Westport.

The next day we drove to PA where the Luhrs had been since the Canadian delivery crew brought it over a few weeks before. The boat was out of place in these waters, designed for southern climes and much more suited to a place like Florida with its open cockpit and exposed flybridge. Its three outriggers too did not make sense in the protected waters where downriggers helped catch salmon rather than pelagic fish like tuna and marlin. The only thing that was missing on this strange boat was one of those fighting chairs with the spot for the rods but to go between your legs. 

Pick a spot anywhere in Westport.

The fuel dock attendant mentioned this too but with more colorful language. Fuel dock attendants don’t have to mince their words. We put in 240 gallons in the single 400-gallon tank and were on our way. The boat had been repowered not long before the sale and the engines only had 750 hours. The engines were 500 horsepower Cummins turbo diesels and should be capable of pushing the boat at 30 knots. Far faster than most seas would allow and fuel tanks could supply for long.

The plan was to take it easy until we knew what the burn rate was and could figure the boat’s range. Westport fuel dock was going to be closed when we got there so we would have to fuel first thing and head to Newport the next day. We ran the engines at 1700 and the flow meters said we were burning 21 gph which worked out to a little over a gallon a mile. This was the most conservative rpm and should produce the furthest range 

If you are going to be late and need after hour fuel up the attendant will come down after hours for $75.

In Newport, we arrived just before they closed at 16:00 and the ride was rough. While we were fueling we chatted with the attendant about wishing there was more than Rogue Brewery to eat at on this side of the bridge he told us that his daughter used to work there but now managed a much better place called The Barge in Old Town and would drive us in and buy us the first round. He was a retired fisherman who had “delivered some boats in his time”. We would have been very glad for just the ride over the bridge but a free beer and exchange in sea stories was even better.

Above the door of The Barge reads in bright yellow western font “Home of the Wino’s, Dingbat’s & Riff Raff”. What the grilled cheese sandwich I had for dinner lacked, the service and company more than made up for. Rouge Brewery is great, don’t get me wrong, but the patina isn’t quite there like these ocean-side roadhouse dives have that I love. Not to mention the local knowledge that is invaluable to a mariner in a foreign port is less likely to be found at tourist places.

Once underway the next day we got a surprise. The integrated electronic system in the boat produced an alarm saying we had water in the fuel. Water in fuel is more common than most think and I have a few misadventures I’ve written about on here that go into detail but that’s why we have water separators. Often call Racors because of the popular brand these units separate the water from the fuel while filtering a specified size of particles. These filters have a clear bowl at the bottom where you can see the water if it’s in the fuel. Sometimes these bowls have terminals where an alarm can be wired and when there is water in the bowl it completes the circuit and sends the alarm. That’s not the kind of sensor these engines had. I honestly still don’t know where that sensor is but I did shut the engine in question down and jump into the engine room once I saw the alarm. Different boats have different access to their working parts. If you’ve read any of my other posts you’ve heard me complain about this before. It’s mostly on sailboats designed by Bob Perry so I was surprised to see how poorly this boat’s fuel filter system was designed. In order to see if there was water in the fuel, I had to put my camera phone on video and record a short clip as I held it at almost arm’s length down into the bilge of the boat. I couldn’t see much in this out-of-focus clip so I decided to take a sample of the fuel in the bottom of the bowl. With both hands and a yogurt container set to catch the fuel and possible water below the drain valve, I pulled up the sample and found only a little gunk and nothing to indicate a concerning amount of water in the fuel. The only concern was how hard it was to get the plastic valve open. I could imagine how breaking this would have been hard if impossible for us to fix.

I was actually concerned about the water that was setting off the alarm while we were in a precarious place on the Oregon Coast. Going in anywhere for anything was going to kill the precious little time we had with our weather window. I discussed the risks with my crew and we decided to stay the course. This is important to note because electric alarms are a relatively new part of the marine world. Everything from the annoying AIS alarms to the distressing accidental PLB activation. Even our VHF radios “cry wolf” whenever 20 minutes the USCG cadet must as quickly and inaudibly as possible transmit a “securitay” announcing to every boater in a 100 mile or more radius that an unmanned red kayak was reported adrift in the vicinity of bla bla. These warnings lower our guard just as we lower the volume on the radio. How we as prudent mariners remain attentive to the important information at hand while the din of the modern bridge is a tough question and challenge for today’s boater.

Just when things are sunny and going smoothly..

fuel sample

Other than some sea state that created what bordered on inhumane conditions on the bridge we made it in before the blow and after making friends with all the scallywags on the dock found a spot to tie up in the lee of a big fishing boat. Eureka has its share of patina but I think that with some basic security measures and friendliness to the marinas residents it is fairly safe. We gave our uneaten provision to one of these water folk.

The pretty color overlay here is the result of a poorly calibrated radar. Take your instruments with a grain of salt and be sure you know how to navigate without them.

The end of our weather window and the answering text when asked if we could bring it further south.

If you use Windy for weather on the coast be sure you use the wave prediction feature.
