Oaxaca Transback Logs: Tuesday, August 6th

You can follow Oaxaca’s return track here on Oaxaca’s website.

Position: 36º 45’ N 134º 16’ W
Speed over ground: 10+ knots
True Wind Speed: 15-20 knots

Woke up for my 3am watch which started with a sail change: the giant black genoa was too much for the building winds, so we changed down to the A2. Our prior motoring course of 030º had put us right into the cold sector of a small low pressure system that had just developed at the fringe of the pacific high. Since this low pressure system was so small, we could see the backside of a cold front and the approaching warm front all at the same time.

Being in the cold sector gave us great wind from the north, so the next watch had to change down further while I was asleep. Spent the rest of the day almost beam reaching, with winds that were close to 20 knots at times and perpendicular waves of up to 12 ft. We reefed in the evening, which took the weather helm off and balanced the boat really well.

Matt created some great dinner from the second half of yesterday's mahi. I'm still amazed at the speed this boat can reach when under sail.

Crewmember Andreas
