R2AK - Updates Start Now!

Greetings race fans! Team Elsewhere social media intern Har Rai Khalsa here. The social media intern position was created for me after COVID sidelined me from being on the boat at the last second—which is a bummer, but now I get to be your connection to the guys and maybe get some school credit in the process if I don’t break anything around here.

I’ll compile a daily update with the info that I have received directly from the team via sat phone, as well as what I can gather from the race tracker and general weather. The tracker is available here: R2AK 2022.

As a general reminder, the team is racing in a remote area with very limited connection to the outside world. There will be times when the race tracker appears offline or when we don’t get timely updates from the boat because they have better things to do. But worry not, that’s normal. They’re well prepared—both in their abilities and their safety equipment. Should they need assistance, the people who need to know will know before we do. They’ve got this.

So let’s get to the racing!
