Day six

A very quiet Fourth of July this evening out under the stars. We can still hear the bar reports from the Oregon coast all the way out here 700 miles offshore. We managed to be somewhat patriotic on this US flagged vessel by barbecuing burgers on the rail while listening to the Boss. Everyone is quite stuffed and those that aren’t asleep wish they were. We are also pleased with ourselves after a big mile day under Spinnaker all day with a top speed of 11.5. Were are getting better at setting the big beautiful blue beast but I think it’s safe to say everyone is at least a little afraid of setting it and taking it down and sailing under it sleeping while it’s up and going to the head or whatever else because it can wrap around the headstay and has a few times requiring all hands on deck to untwist it and get it flying again. It is very powerful and also very delicate and also expensive but it is beautiful and it’s how we got 166 nautical miles today. Wish us luck we miss this light patch coming for us so we don’t have to listen to the engine in the next few days.

Sleep tight and don’t blow your fingers off or the country up while we are gone. .

